Leadership School System

Leadership School System School In Karachi - Taleemi Hub

Leadership School System

  • Gulistan-e-Jauhar
  • Gulshan-e-Iqbal
  • P.E.C.H.S Society
  • Gulistan-e-Jauhar - Block 12
  • Gulshan-e-Iqbal - Block 7
  • P.E.C.H.S BLOCK 6
  • D-20, Block-7, gulshan-e-iqbal Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
    FEES 3000 to 10000
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    Leadership School is a project of Leadership College. LC is one of the leading colleges in the country. Established in 2005 with campuses in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Sialkot and Multan with a goal to meet the demand for quality education in Pakistan, today it has 37 campuses on 13 locations all over Pakistan with students numbering in thousands. A landmark initiative was taken by establishing LS in 2011. LS retained its character over the past two years maintaining the school tradition of providing an education that utilizes academic, sports and co-curricular activities as tools for character development. LS has made its name in a very less time due to its commitment to offer high-quality education to masses.

    The school is known to have highly trained staff, has maximum facilities to support students in learning, there is constant monitoring and evaluation of student’s progress, and the best thing is parents’ involvement in their child’s learning process. The network believes in equipping its students with a strong academic foundation, excellent life and leadership qualities in nurturing environments where teachers and students respect each other. At LS we incur higher order thinking skills, cross-curricular understandings, collaboration, creativity and real-world problem solving abilities in our students.


    The vision with which the school works is that a student who approaches the final years in school would have developed:

      • a sense of integrity, dignity and confidence to face life’s challenges.
      • a sensitivity to relate rightly to the earth and to all life.
      • an ability to learn on one’s own and take responsibility for learning.
      • the capacity to make choices of future activities in consonance with one’s deepest predilections.
      • the intelligence to remain a sensitive human being with openness


    At Leadership School we believe, that each child is unique, capable, creative and intelligent. Our role is to support these qualities and to challenge every child in appropriate ways so that they develop fully. We believe that all children have the right to multiple ways of learning, doing and expression in developmentally appropriate settings that support their limitless potential and possibilities.


    Our mission is to provide safe, caring, orderly and supportive environment that promotes the development of values, knowledge, critical thinking skills, leadership skills and qualities to equip every student for multiple roles in society. We stress on the intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual development of each child through holistic formation.


    • The key aims of the School as set out in our Strategic Plan:
    • Demonstrate continuing commitment to the widest possible access so that any student who is awarded a place at the School will be able to take up his/her place regardless of the social, cultural, ethnic, religious or financial background of his/her family, thereby providing additional charitable public benefit.
    • Fortify the academic standing of the School, vigorously reaffirming its scholarly and academic traditions but also looking for appropriate opportunities to develop new strengths.
    • Promote successful, enthusiastic and inspirational teaching and learning within the context of a balanced curriculum.
    • Continue to improve existing and when required develop new accommodation, systems and facilities; and thereby provide a safe, well-maintained and effectively used environment for pupils and staff.
    • Promote the School and its work vigorously to existing parents, prospective parents, feeder schools, alumni and the local community; build upon the links established; encourage co-operation and partnerships with local schools and others in the wider community, seeking further opportunities to provide public benefit and enhance the reputation of the School within the region, nationally and internationally.
    • Provide appropriate opportunities both for professional development and supportive performance management.
    • Provide coherent, clear and supportive management at all levels.
    • Provide strong pastoral and related support, with clear moral and spiritual foundations, for all ages.
    • Promote respect and tolerance for the individuals and for individuality, develop independent thinking and learning for all pupils, encourage individual passions and enthusiasms both curricular and co-curricular, and endeavour to treat the students within the School as individuals.
    • Develop within the School community as a whole, qualities of leadership, creativity, appropriate risk-taking, and responsiveness to changes and challenges.
    • Encourage the widest possible participation in sports and co-curricular activities.
    • Provide appropriately for those who need additional support to fulfill their potential by virtue of physical or psychological disability or atypical learning style or process.
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      Campus / Branch Name Area Name Contact No Email Address
      Leadership School - PECHS Campus 92H, Block 6 PECHS, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan 03363281840 lscampus1@gmail.com
      The Leadership School Jauhar Campus Block 12, Near Rado Bakery, Gulistan-e-Jauar Karachi 0334 3638600 leadershipschool.jauharcampus@gmail.com
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