Mrs. Saima Qamar
Clinical Psychologist
Saima Qamar is a Clinical psychologist and trainer with a Master in Psychology (university of Karachi 3rd position on merit) and ADCP (advanced diploma in Clinical psychology Punjab university 3rd position on merit), with certification in positive psychology.
Saima is a trainer and Practices online via Marham with a specialization in depression and anxiety especially among students. Miss Saima Qamar
Consulting Topics:
- Foundations of Positive Psychology
- Positive Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your life for well Being
- Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Method
- Positive Psychology : Resilience Skills
- Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions
- Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science
Mrs. Saima Qamar Videos
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