School of Scholars

School of Scholars School In Karachi - Taleemi Hub

School of Scholars

  • North Nazimabad
  • North Nazimabad - Block N
  • Plot D 19, Block, 9, Block N North Nazimabad Town, Karachi,
    0300 0137766 , +92 336 1200846
    FEES 5000 to 20000
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    ‘Unique’ just about sums up School of Scholars! Whereas it aimed to help scale education, learning and teaching as per the aspiration of the 21st-century child & to fulfil the process of learning by intellectual studies and an Inclusive environment. Where it provides educational services and examination resources to students in an effort to help them accelerated their learning progress. Moreover, we also have a dedicated team of Career Counselors who provide students professional advice; explore their career options & find their passion. Furthermore, the School of Scholars Library is managed by qualified and experienced librarians with well-stocked library support for the curriculum programmers

    Additionally, the core values of the School of Scholars support our mission, shape our practice and reflect what our organization stands for. They are the heart of everything we believe in, they highlight the underlying competencies that deliver our tracks to run efficiently. Our day-to-day progress and communications follow these core values as our several teams continue to support them in their conduct. Global Citizenship The School of Scholars encourages learners to enhance informed citizens proactively connected in their communities and the world. Understanding our efficiency as a leading global instructor, we priorities dignity, diversity, transparency and sustainability. Sustainable Innovation As a thought leader, the School of Scholars innovates to modify to effective changes and challenges encountered by our communities. Proactive in access, we proceed to transform and improve the student experience through our learnings. Guided Learning We inspire our students to be strong, productive and questioning with the aim of growing independent scholars and educated learners of tomorrow with future-ready skills. This is facilitated by our strong, continuing commitment to student-centric learning. Providing quality teaching & guidance is our target for a better Pakistan.

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      NORTH NAZIMABAD CAMPUS Plot D 19, Block, 9, Block N North Nazimabad Town, Karachi, 0300 0137766 , +92 336 1200846
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