Happy Palace School

Happy Palace School School In Karachi - Taleemi Hub

Happy Palace School

  • Federal B Area
  • Federal B Area Block 6
  • C-74, Block-6, F.B.Area, Karachi
    021-36362424, +92.21.3634 4611
    FEES 3000 to 15000
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    Happy Palace Group of Schools’ mission is to provide enlightened education and examination services to the students. The future of a nation depends mainly on its educational system. Education sets the path for development and helps to achieve the desired goals. Therefore, HPGS is striving hard to take measures/steps to improve the quality of education in the society.

    We are:
    Committed to excellence in developing dynamic personalities to accept the challenges of modern era. Committed in creating expertise and advancement in every field of life serving mankind and being patriotic Pakistani citizens.

    Motto: Vision beyond Excellence
    Our Slogan: Learn to Lead

    The biggest challenge faced by the educators of today is to prepare students for the challenges of a globalized world. Students of today face a world that continually demands new knowledge and abilities; a world that requires the students to become adaptable, life-long learners in an ever-changing scenario of new skills and competencies. They also need to be good communicators, be able to relate well with other people and to think critically and creatively. HPGS is committed towards imparting these skills. Students not only learn, but they learn how to learn, not just in school but beyond as well. The curriculum does not mean that the students are expected to alienate themselves from their own traditions and cultures. Education at HPGS develops among the students a global outlook and perspective while maintaining respect for their homeland. The curriculum is designed to sensitize them to current developments taking place worldwide and educate them for the future so that they can be culturally versatile and are comfortable working, communicating and collaborating with people all over the world. However, what students learn at HPGS is not only curriculum based, a whole host of co-curricular activities also contribute to the holistic development of the personality.

    The heart of education is after all the education of the heart. We want our pupils to develop valuable life skills and become more independent, resilient and confident individuals who are able to come out of their comfort zones and deal confidently with any uncertainties or challenges that may confront them in the future. Our team of qualified and experienced teachers has been specially trained to provide personalized attention to every student. The small class sizes further facilitate this. It will be the constant endeavor of HPGS to move forward in the true spirit of ability-driven education. The school will continue its endeavor towards providing holistic and quality education by infusing each and every student with the zeal to be passionate about learning as well as to be engaged and inspired. We want every student to be nurtured into strong, reflective and responsive individuals who are confident and adaptable in meeting the challenges and opportunities of this rapidly changing world.

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