AIMS SCHOOL School In Karachi - Taleemi Hub


  • Gulshan-e-Iqbal
  • D-21, Al - Hilal Co - Operative Housing Society, Opposite Askari Park, Gulshan - e- Iqbal, Karachi .
    0321-2447368, 0314-2978090
    FEES 3000 to 5000
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    Academy of Islamic & Modern Studies


    Academy of Islamic and Modern Studies is an institution where moral competency and divine civilization are taught and are equally emphasized beside modern and scientific education. Our focal aim is to develop a confident Muslim youth harmonized with the modern era education.


    • To provide a challenging educational program based on True Islamic Spirit.
    • To enlighten the torch of the Holy Prophet’s ﷺ Love in the heart of every student.
    • To promote intellectual curiosity.
    • To develop the potential of students by encouraging them to participate in a diverse and full range of school activities.
    • To nurture in each student, feelings of self-confidence and pride in accomplishment.
    • To create in each student an awareness of a world of rapid change.


    To Develop Confident Muslim Youth Harmonized With The Modern Era Education

    Significant Activities:

    Through which mental / physical and emotional skills are developed.

    English & Urdu elocution contest  The study of Qur’an
     Educational visits, excursions & field trips  Mahafil-e-Hamd / Naat / Darood / Awrads
     Science Club  Husn-e-Azaan competition
     Sports day Days of Remembrance Sufia / Heroes
     Spelling Bee contest  Qur’an Khawani
     Students Wall Magazine  Bazm-e-Adab
     Scrabble tournament  Practical Implementation and subjective study of Seerat-e-Pak ﷺ
     Speaker’s Forum  Sports day
     Seminars and Students assembly  Students Week
     Celebration of religious, national and international days.

    Message from Administrator

    In any child’s life; school’s environment plays a significant role to develop his / her character and interpersonal skills. School is a mini representation of a society for a child. Teachers groom them and channelize their potentials towards the right direction. Parents are also an integral part of this teaching – learning process indirectly as what child learns at school reinforces at home or vise versa. Parents by supporting teachers can see their children growing into good human beings, good Muslims and the effective members of the global society.


    Ahmed Hussain Bawa



    Message from the Principal

    Time is speeding so fast, the ever changing demands of the modern era education are astounding. The world of inventions has taken a giant leap. Our youth is facing more challenges in the field of education among them is the imposition of English as a medium of expression and instruction. Students as well as parents find it very intimidating and difficult to impede this hurdle. I, as an educationist share a secret of success with my children and specially with their parents both if they desire to become proficient in written as well as spoken English, they ought to develop in their children reading habit. When they are toddlers parents should read books for them, when they begin schooling picture story books should be given in their hands and occasionally should be gifted books and taken to the library visits by the parents. In this manner they will have no problem inculcating this habit in their children. Learning a language is a slow and gradual process for which child should be pleasantly motivated. Parents and teachers are always great source of inspiration for a child. Parents should also develop the habit of reading in them if they are desirous of their child to learn this habit from parents. It will naturally come to them and this is how we can develop a learned society of modern and civilized people.


    Mrs. Ghazala Parveen


    • Ideally designed classrooms
    •  Modern computer lab with internet facility
    • Multi purpose Audio Visual Library
    • Science laboratory
    • Mini zoo
    • Indoor games, swings and spacious play area
    • Stand by generators
    • Electric coolers with so-safe water purification
    • Ablutions and Namaaz area
    • Proper conveyance system on contract basis and supervised under strict rules



    • We apply modern teaching techniques and approaches through our qualified and trained teaching staff.
    • Use of Individual Educational Procedure (I.E.P) System in Pre Primary classes
    • Study of Seerat-e-Pak ﷺ as a special subject
    • Regular classes of English language and use of Bi lingual teaching method
    • Teachers In-Service training workshops, conducted by distinguished educationists and trainers.
    • Regular assessments of child’s developmental areas. Learning skills and ethics under a team of educational psychologists as well as parental guidance and counseling.
    • Use of specially designed daily schedule through which students learn Islamic values, practice Islamic way of life and get comprehension of Qur’an and Sunnah Of the Holy Prophet ﷺ.



    • 80 % attendance is a must.
    • Assembly bell rings at 07:55am. After 8:00am late is marked. On arriving late a student’s Home Assignment Diary is stamped as “Late Comer”. On third time late child will be sent back home. Late comers who arrive after 8:15 will not be allowed to enter the school and will be sent back home.
    • Doctor’s appointment will be dealt with a note in the diary a day earlier preferably with the doctor’s slip.
    • Absenteeism during the test will be considered as ‘zero marks’.
    • For Grade IX and X students 90% attendance is a MUST. No child is allowed to remain absent without a prior permission and a phone call from parents. If application or phone call is not received fine of Rs: 100 (per day) will be imposed.

    Note: School does not keep the fine money we donate it for a welfare cause.

    • Two attendances are taken in a day, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Incase of late arrival / taking early departure a child will be considered absent on that day and will not be awarded 100% attendance award.



    • An application must be sent in advance for any leave that may be required. If a student is absent for more than two days due to illness he / she will have to bring the doctor’s certificate along with the application. For Grade IX and X students fine of Rs. 100/- (per day) will be imposed incase of not providing doctor’s prescription.


    Late Coming:


    • After 8:30am late is marked. Late comers who arrive after 8:45am will be sent back to home.

    Junior / Senior Section

    • Only two lates till 8:15am are allowed. On third late child will not be allowed to enter the school and will be sent back home.


    Pick & Drop and Student ID Cards:

    • Pick & Drop and Student ID cards will be issued. No students will be allowed to leave school without it; Therefore, whoever comes to collect The Child must produce this card with an application.
    • Incase of not bringing and showing Pick and Drop or ID Card at the gate for collecting your ward in the OFF time Rs. 200/- fine will be charged. Submit an application along with the photocopy of CNIC and show your cooperation with the duty staff. With ID card issues are dealt in the end which take time, therefore keep your patience during this procedure.
    • Incase if your ward’s ID / Pick and Drop Card is lost. You will have to pay Rs: 1000/- for a Duplicate Card.
    • It is strictly prohibited to make plastic coated photocopies of these cards. If you are found using such ID card or Pick and Drop cards you will be fined Rs: 2000/- and it may result in cancellation of your ward’s admission too.

    In the beginning of every session new student ID and Pick and Drop Cards are issued to you after collecting the previous session cards from you. Previous cards must be submitted to us.



    • A student may be suspended or expelled by the School Authorities without any prior information / notice due to any of the following reasons.
      1. Irregularity
      2. Objectionable moral influence
      3. Disorderly or Unsatisfactory conduct / Misbehavior
      4. Delay in the Payment of any Fee / Charges
      5. Disobedience or Disregard of the written / verbal Instructions / Rules and Regulations
      6. Misbehavior / Misconduct on the part of Parent / Guardian.
    • Writing on desks, chairs, wall etc, or breaking classroom Furniture, the cost of repair will be charged to the student responsible for the damage.
    • Bringing Mobile Phones, MP3 Players and other music / electronic devices of any type, video disks etc are strictly prohibited. Incase of bringing it will be confiscated and fine will be charged.
    • The school authorities reserve the right to expel a student without assigning any reason and / or giving prior information / notice. School authorities may impose cash penalty incase of any misconduct or misbehavior. Headmistress / Principal / Administrator will be the sole judge.

    The decision of the Headmistress / Principal / Administrator in all cases will be absolute, final and binding on the students and their parents



    • Cash discount can be availed on timely payment i. e. by the 10th of every month.
    • Monday to Thursday Timing: 08:15am to 02:10pm.
    • Friday Timing: 08:15am to 12:00pm.
    • Saturday Timing: 8:20am to 1:00pm.

    The last date of submitting fees is the 20th of every month. From 21st day of the same month, child will not be allowed to sit in the class if the fees is not paid in the said time.


    Struck off Policy:

    • Continued absenteeism for two weeks without written information will result in striking off the child’s name from the school’s register. And if child comes after the said duration he / she may have to go through the readmission process.


    Withdrawal Policy:

    • In case where parents / guardians do not give one month written notice of withdrawal then one month fee in lieu of notice will be deducted from the Security Deposit Balance.
    • The outstanding / unpaid fee will be adjusted from Security Deposit.
    • If this application is made after the 7th of the month then fee is payable for the whole of that month.
    • The fee will be charged of the month during which applied for the School Leaving Certificate.
    • The school leaving certificate will be issued when all school dues have been cleared and the student has completed at least One Academic Session with A.I.M.S.
    • Students withdrawn on completion of academic session before summer vacation with or without notice, are liable to pay the Tuition Fee including the summer vacation.



    • Deposit money will be refunded only if the student leaves the school on completion of session with two months prior notice. Payment will be made during May and June
    • Incase of non completion of session school will not refund the deposits.



    • Faded; out-sized uniforms are strictly prohibited.
    • Students with two / three yellow slips in a month will not be allowed to sit in the class with the next warning.
    • Girls MUST wear scarf full time. Boys should wear only AIMS prescribed caps in the morning assembly, Nazra period and for offering Namaaz in school.
    • The female students are not allowed to apply any make up or wear any real or imitation jewellery (including any kind of bangles and fancy watch etc).


    Direct Entry:

    • The Parents can contact the office Incharge / Co-ordinator only. Direct entry to any Classroom, Staffroom, Canteen, Laboratory, Library, Principal’s Office or any other area in school is strictly prohibited. Under no circumstances should the school staff be contacted. No person except the Signatories of the Admission form is to contact / communicate with the school authorities / visit the school.


    School Building:

    • Under unavoidable circumstances, the school may be shifted to another premises.



    • Students should bring books according to the time table. A note through the diary will be sent if any other book, work book / note book is required.
    • Fancy / expensive items / jewelry / electronic devices should not be brought to school. School is not responsible for their damage or misplacement. If found they will be confiscated and will be returned to parents only.
    • Books and notebooks should be properly labelled and covered with plastic covers.
    • Students should bring their complete stationery daily. (Grade I and onward)
    • Note books and Homework Diary MUST be purchased from the school. Any other notebooks or Homework Diary without A.I.M.S monogram printed will not be allowed to use.


     General Rules:

    Note: For any discrepancy in the uniform and / or the Personal Hygiene will result in the issuance of a Yellow warning letter that may affect child’s selection for the Best Students Award.

    • Students MUST wear school’s complete and prescribed uniform. Parents must see that their children are neatly dressed, hair free of nits and dandruff, nails clean and cut short. Make sure that from the very first day your child comes to school in clean, well ironed uniform. Submit a casual dress of your child to his / her class teacher for emergency use in a plastic bag with your child’s name tag on it. (Montessori / P.J classes only) Put a name tag on your child’s school bag, water bottle, scarf and other goods of use.
    • The school going child requires a healthy breakfast like milk, egg, cereal or bread. Junk food is not allowed and it can be confiscated.
    • No student should seek tuitions from the teacher’s serving in this institute.
    • Parents are requested to come to the reception for any query. Please do not contact / meet the teachers to find out about your child’s progress. Parents are strictly asked not to send any gift items for any teacher. Only Aab-e-Zam Zam and / or dates are allowed as Hadiya after Umrah / Hajj.
    • Birthday celebrations in school should be limited to distribution of sweets only.
    • Late arrival and early departure is only dealt with the parents’ signed application a day (ahead) earlier.
    • Every application / letter / note sent by you should be neatly written on a proper page stating your ward’s name, class, section, S.I.D number and the purpose of writing to us.
    • Absent students should bring an application the very next day to school. If a child is absent for more than two days he will have to bring the doctor’s certificate too.
    • Incase of injury or any other unavoidable reason, if a child is sent in clothes or shoes other than the uniform an excuse note must be written in Assignment Diary.
    • Inform us immediately if any change will occur in emergency telephone no. / address.
    • Do not send last minutes message for Transport especially. If your van does not come and you drop ward to school see to it that you make a phone call to the concerned driver to know whether he will pick your ward from the school in the OFF time or not.
    • In the off time if van does not come then school will inform you after an hour or so (depending upon the situation).
    • No student will be allowed to leave the school premises before closing time. Parents are requested not to come to the Principal with excuses to take their wards home earlier than closing time. However for emergency cases only this rule may be relaxed, after signing the Early Departure Slip in the Principal’s office.
    • Pupils suffering from a contagious or infectious disease shall not be permitted to attend school and will be sent back home.



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    hamdard rooh
    Her Ik bottle mey bari barkat

    Admission Enquiry

      hamdard rooh
      Her Ik bottle mey bari barkat


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