Al-Hamra School and College

Al-Hamra School and College School In Karachi - Taleemi Hub

Al-Hamra School and College

  • Bin Qasim
  • Sec-20/C,Shah Latif Town,Bin Qasim Town Karachi,
    0322 3333888
    FEES 3000 to 15000
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    Al-Hamra Academy & Secondary School name of excellence in education

    Briefly, the school sets out to develop the talents of each individual pupil as fully as possible. Pupils are encouraged to set their own personal standards of excellence in all aspects of their lives – the academic, the practical, the sporting and in their social development. The staff attempt to help the pupils achieve these standards and thereby foster a sense of pride in each pupil. We hope that our pupils will take a pride in their own achievements, in their school, in their local community and in their country.


    Pupils must strive to:
    ÔøΩ attend school regularly, on time and ready to take part in school activities;
    ÔøΩ produce the best possible classwork and homework;
    ÔøΩ aim at the highest standards in all aspects of school life;
    ÔøΩ cooperate with staff and accept the authority and rules of conduct of the school;
    ÔøΩ consider and respect the feelings and property of other people both in school and in the wider community;
    ÔøΩ care for the grounds, buildings, furniture, equipment and books provided for the school.

    RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARENTS Parents will benefit their children’s education to the greatest possible extent if they:

    ÔøΩ show that they support the school in setting the highest standards;
    ÔøΩ make sure that their children come to school regularly, on time, alert and ready
    to work;
    ÔøΩ take an active and supportive interest in all aspects of their children’s work;
    ÔøΩ support the authority and discipline of the school, helping their children to achieve maturity, self-discipline and self-control;
    ÔøΩ encourage their children to make constructive and enjoyable use of their
    leisure time.

    RESPONSIBILITIES OF SCHOOL STAFF Members of staff must strive to:

    ÔøΩ develop each individual pupil’s talents as fully as possible;
    ÔøΩ teach effectively and set the highest standards in work and behavior;
    ÔøΩ set and correct classwork and homework which encourages all pupils to attain the highest standards;
    ÔøΩ care for each child when at school as a good parent of a large family;
    ÔøΩ help pupils to leave school able and anxious to make the best possible contribution to the community at large

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