DAR-E-ARQAM SCHOOL School In Karachi - Taleemi Hub


  • North Nazimabad
  • North Nazimabad - Block N
  • B- 350 Block N, Opp Karachi Medical & Dental College Allama Rasheed Turabi Road, Batha Town, Karachi
    0333 2492499
    FEES 5000 to 9000
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    About Dar-e-Arqam Schools

    We offer a wide range of high quality of teaching and extra-curricular activities.

    Being submissive and humble to the will of Almighty ALLAH, we relate this institution to the very first educational centre of Islam, “Dar-e-Arqam” established at Hazrat Arqam Bin Arqam’s house in the plains of Koh-e-Safa by Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W). The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) gets his believers gathered in a small house and laid the foundation of rich civilization that produced marvelous blessings and countless human role models.

    Contrary to the present Soulless system of education based on aimless, materialistic and secular approach, the edifice of Dar-e-Arqam System of education is constructed with the bricks, stones and cement of Faith, Sincerity and Sublime Aims and is beautified with active modern scientific ideas about education to equip the innocent saplings of the future tree, with the latest branches of learning so that they can converse with the teachings of the Holy Quran and Sunnah side by side with the modern education, and when grown up can raise the status of “Ummah” and take them out of the abyss of darkness.

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