The Orchid School

The Orchid School School In Karachi - Taleemi Hub

The Orchid School

  • Clifton
  • Gulshan-e-Iqbal
  • Malir Town
  • North Nazimabad
  • P.E.C.H.S Society
  • Clifton Block 5
  • Gulshan-e-Iqbal - Block 13/D
  • North Nazimabad - Block B
  • P.E.C.H.S BLOCK 6
  • Location D-12, Block 13-D, Near Rab Medical, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi
    +92300-0773408, +92 21 34990619
    FEES 3000 to 10000
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    The Orchid School is a project of Khalil Nainitalwala Educational Valley that has set foot in the prestigious field of education; focusing the aim of giving students a well-rounded education with a comprehensive framework of curriculum implementation and way of monitoring pupil’s progress. The school comprised of academic levels from Early Years to O’Level. The institution is also a certified and approved center of UK’s largest awarding organizations offering academic and vocational qualifications in schools, colleges and work places in the UK and abroad. The knowledge and skill based curriculum is derived from UK National Curriculum.


    To prepare independent learners to compete for the challenges of the 21st Century ensuring academic excellence and emotional intelligence.


    Teach and Obtain a Groomed and Educated individual who can Thrive, Heave and Excel to Reign. Together We Can…


    “No Learner Left Behind”
    A project of Khalil Nanitalwala Education Valley that has set foot in the prestigious field of education; focusing the aim of giving pupils a well-rounded education.

    Message from our Managing Director: By the grace of God, we have been bestowed with abundant bounties of Allah; as we have laid the foundation of the chain of schools by the name of “The Orchid School”. Our primary objective is to create the conditions that make children and youth want to learn, and give them the opportunity to achieve. Simply put, students do better in school when school does better for them. We don’t promise a diploma with honors for every student, but we promise to help all students being engaged and achieve to reach the summit of success. We believe that whatever is around you; is made by the people who were not at all better than us, so anybody can change the world by learning, and once you learn something you’ll never be the same again! Just what is needed, is to ensure that you’re focused on something that you are passionate about. It’s all about what you choose; will you choose a life of ease? Or the life of service and adventures. Our motto is; “Together We Can” that depicts our philosophy of working hand in hand; bringing a notable change by promoting the belief that Education is The Best Solution to become a strong nation. We strongly believe in the quote by Jean Jacques; “Plants are shaped by cultivation and men by education”. Vision: “To prepare independent learners to compete the challenges of the 21st Century ensuring academic excellence and emotional intelligence.” Mission: “To Teach and Obtain a Groomed and Educated individual who can Thrive, Heave and Excel to Reign.” Cause: “No Learner Left Behind”

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      Campus / Branch Name Area Name Contact No Email Address
      Shah Faisal Colony campus KN Gohar Green Scoiety, behind Malir Court, Gohar Green City Bagh e Ibrahim Society Shah Faisal Colony, Karachi, Karach 0347 8582990
      malir campus KN Gohar Green City, Street No.21 Behind Malir 15 City Court. , Karachi, 92 300 0773411
      north nazimabad campus W2GR+FQG, Block-B Block B North Nazimabad Town, Karachi, 0300 0773406
      clifton campus R29C+2RG, Block 5 Clifton, Karachi, Karachi (021) 35373923 , 92 348 1117777
      P.E.C.H.S branch 80 A/1, Block-6 PECHS Karachi (Near CPLC Office) 0300-0773407 , 0347-8582936, 92 348 1117777
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