ZIAUDDIN COLLEGE School In Karachi - Taleemi Hub


  • North Nazimabad
  • North Nazimabad - Block H
  • D64, Block H, North Nazimabad
    +92 21 38893867, (021) 36677689
    FEES 3000 to 15000
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    Our Vision

    Inspiring to Learn, Aspiring to Succeed

    Ziauddin Schools and Colleges aim to ensure the maximum enjoyment of teaching so that learning is a joyful experience for students. When our teachers are enjoying teaching and our students are enjoying learning, we will be achieving our vision by fostering our students’ development into well-rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to succeed and so achieve their full potential.

    Building from a solid grounding of our commitment to maximising students’ knowledge and understanding, our vision leads us to foster our students’ love for learning and to encourage them to try new things. We aim to realise this through learning environments that are challenging and which emerge from an enabling school culture of belonging, equity and fairness, encouragement, creativity and engaging students as lifelong learners.

    In this way, we will be building the attributes that our students need for success in school and beyond.

    We translate this Vision into classrooms that are meaningfully student-centred, curriculum-centric, and teaching-focused, so that students learn, build life skills, and develop independence,confidence and resilience. We believe this supports each student in achieving their potential and making a smooth transition through school and college into society.

    Our Mission

    Ziauddin School and College strives to provide students with quality education that fosters academic success by developing students’ critical thinking, creativity, social and community awareness, and effective communication in ways that are accessible and affordable. In this way we are able to accommodate the needs of our diverse student population, thus ensuring that students master the learning outcomes and so maximising their achievement.

    Our Principles

    The following Principles regarding teacher attributes and institution-wide pedagogy guide the accomplishment of the Ziauddin Schools and Colleges Vision and Mission.

    Ziauddin teachers are:

    Confident teaching their subject and expert at engaging each student in learning. Continuously developing their expertise of the academic requirements of the subjects they teach, they understand their students and their educational needs.

    Professional in their approach to teaching and the responsibility they have as educators. They are collaborative and supportive. They understand their actions will shape the future of their students and so they are focused on the holistic development of every student they teach.

    Reflective as learners themselves and reflective in developing their practice. They seek to build on and develop their knowledge and skills through a cycle of reflecting in practice and reflection on practice.

    Innovative when engaged with new challenges. They are creative and pursue an enquiring approach in their teaching. They are resourceful, imaginative and flexible so that they are able to apply new skills and techniques mindfully and strategically.

    Passionate about teaching and learning so that they are ready to make a difference.

    Institution-wide Pedagogy

    1. Teachers connect authentic learning experiences to life
    2. Lessons develop students’ higher-level thinking skills
    3. Teachers support students to take responsibility for their own learning and to be self-motivated
    4. Teachers take account of each student’s learning differences and interests
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