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Canadian study opportunities

Changes to IELTS Academic test requirements give Pakistan’s test takers greater access to Canadian study opportunities.

Changes being introduced by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to their Student Direct Stream (SDS) English language test requirements will give IELTS Academic test takers from Pakistan greater opportunity to pursue their Canadian study dreams.

This means IELTS Academic test takers will now be considered on their overall English language proficiency rather than their individual skills in Speaking, Writing, Reading and Listening when applying for their study permit through the SDS.

Test takers who completed the IELTS Academic test within the past two years and did not achieve an individual band score of 6.0 in each of the skills will be able to apply to study under the SDS from August 10 in Canada if they achieved an overall Academic band score of 6.0 and meet the other criteria needed for the study permit.

Humayun Bin Akram, Country Director IDP Pakistan, said these changes would be significant for upcoming test takers, as well as past test takers who did not achieve the required score in each skill.

“IELTS Academic test takers in Pakistan will be able to approach their test with greater confidence that each of their strengths will be reflected in their overall English proficiency score,” Mr. Humayun said.

“Our Emerging Futures research highlighted that students around the world view Canada as an attractive and important study destination. We know these changes will open doors for many test takers from Pakistan who have dreams of studying in Canada, and we are looking forward to supporting them as they embark on the next stage of their study journey.”

IDP Pakistan is a leading testing services provider, currently operating in five major cities: Lahore, Islamabad, Karachi, Gujrat, and Faisalabad. We are also expanding to other locations soon, to serve even more communities with our top-notch testing solutions.

The changes come into effect for applications made from 10 August 2023. Test takers looking to assess their eligibility can do so via:


IDP is a proud co-owner of the International English Language Testing System, (IELTS).

IELTS is a pioneer of English language testing. More than 30 years ago, we changed the industry when we launched, and we continue to lead the sector today.

We are innovating our test so technology enhances human connection, not replaces it.

After all, language is human, testing should be as well.

We give our test takers a choice. We are the only high stakes test that offers paper, computer and online options.

With an IELTS score, our test takers can proudly show 11,000 organizations that accept IELTS scores what they are made of.

About IDP

IDP is a leader in global education services.

As an Australian listed company, we employ more than 6,900 people, have operations in 57 countries and our websites attract 100 million visits a year.

We specialize in combining human expertise with our leading digital platform to help people get accepted into their ideal course, take an English language test, or learn English in our schools.

Our teams are side by side with our customers every day, at every step from course search through to starting their dream course or career. Our data insights are relied upon by organizations around the world to help ensure decisions are informed by the diverse needs, challenges, and motivations of students.

Most of all, we are proud of our people. It is our trusted people and processes which help our customers turn their study or English goals into a launchpad for their career.

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Holistic Learning, is based on the principle of connecting to the Natural world and to the spiritual values
Holistic learning is a methodology in which we prepare students to meet the challenges that they face In their lives and in their academic careers through trials, failures and successes.

1. Pair work OR Group work

Children at times like to work alone and at other times feel frustrated when they get stuck at some place. Here, their peers can help them find a way

2. Choose Skills

We need to focus on the skills that they need in their future. Skills like cooperate, coordinate, collaborate and compromise.

3. Give Guidelines

Give them guidelines as such that they don’t lose their individuality and creativity. Give them open-ended questions instead of close ended, which arouse their critical thinking.

4. Taking on different Roles

They need to collaborate with each other. Let them decide what role they want to take up. Just like we decide on our own.

5. Creative Choices

Let them take ownership and choices

6. Presentable Presentation

Every project is different. So, present it in a new way on a blog, audio visual model, or use the new tech resources.

7. Rubric Grading – Self Assessment

Let them self-asses on the basis of rubric grading

8. Cross Circular Activities

Integrate subjects as well as let the different level students interact with each other, with students in other cities and countries also.

9. Give the Project a Purpose

When the students will know that their project is going to the help someone then they will be highly motivated.

Trainer – Miss Mahjabeen Rehan

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Children Training and Development

Child development is a process every child goes through. This process involves learning and mastering skills like sitting, walking, talking, skipping, and tying shoes. Children learn these skills, called developmental milestones, during predictable time periods. This is the child’s ability to learn and solve problems.

Five Stages of Child Development

  • During the first month of life, newborns exhibit automatic responses to external stimuli.
  • InfantInfants develop new abilities quickly in the first year of life.
  • Toddler.
  • Preschool.
  • School age.

Development’ means changes in your child’s physical growth. It’s also the changes in your child’s social, emotional, behavior, thinking and communication skills. All of these areas of development are linked, and each depends on and influences the others.

In the first five years of life, experiences and relationships stimulate children’s development, reading millions of connections in their brains. In fact children’s brains develop connections faster in the first five years than at any other time in their lives. This is the time when the foundations for learning, health and behavior throughout life are laid down.

Play: how child development and learning happen

In the early years, play is children’s main way of learning and developing. Play is fun for your child. It also gives your child opportunities to explore, observe, experiment and solve problems.
Your child will need your support and encouragement to do this. But it’s important to aim for a balance between supporting your child and letting your child try things on their own and sometimes make mistakes.
Finding out for themselves about how the world works is a big part of your child’s learning.

Lots of time spent playing, talking, listening and interacting with you helps your child learn key life skills.
These skills include communicating, thinking, solving problems, moving and being with other people and children.
Play is a great relationship builder. Playing with your child sends a simple message – you’re important to me. This message helps children learn about who they are and where they fit in the world.

Factors shaping up child development

Your child’s genes and other factors like healthy eating, physical activity, health and the neighborhood you live in also influence your child’s development and wellbeing.
Healthy Eating
Healthy food gives your child the energy and nutrients they need to grow and develop. It also helps develop their sense of taste. Healthy family food and eating patterns in the early years can set up healthy eating habits for life.
Physical Activity
Being physically active is vital to your child’s health. It gets your child moving, develops motor skills, helps your child think and gives your child an opportunity to explore their world. So your child needs plenty of opportunities for active play, both inside and outside.
Minor childhood illnesses like colds, ear aches and gastroenteritis generally won’t have any long-term effects on development. But disability, developmental delay and chronic or long-term conditions can affect development. Health and disability professionals can help you understand your child’s condition and how it affects development.
Neighborhood and local community
Your child’s development is supported by positive relationships with friends and neighbours, and access to playgrounds, parks, shops and local services like child care, playgroups, kindergartens, schools, health centres and libraries.

Home Articles posted by : tech

Children Diet Plan – According to Age Group

Parents especially mothers are very much concerned about general health of their children. Mothers are always seeking ways to maintain not only good health but striving to level up on continuous basis.

  • Healthy diet plan is very much important to maintain good health. More nutritious food means more health. Nutrients are calories, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. For growing children, a healthy diet is vital so he can grow, develop, and stay at a good weight for his age.
  • Sometimes, children may not want to eat or want to eat too many junk or wrong foods. Avoid using food to punish or reward your child. Create a relaxed and happy environment for meals. For growing age children, their bodies need nutrients on a regular basis, even if they do not feel hungry. Offer them meals or snacks 4 to 5 times a day. This will make sure that they have enough fuel to play and grow. Take your child for regular check-ups to make sure he is growing at the proper rate.
  • Nutrient Needs: The amount of calories and protein that your child needs depends on both his age and weight in kilograms. Divide your child’s weight in pounds by 2.2 to figure out what he weighs in kilograms (kg).
Nutrients Age Amount
Calories Birth to Age 3 100 cal / kg.
Age 4 to 6 90 cal / kg .
Age 7 to 11 70 cal / kg.
Protein Birth to Age 3 1.2 gm / kg
Age 4 to 6 1.1 gm / kg
Age 7 to 11 1.00 gm / kg
  • Vitamins and minerals: Your child does not need to take extra vitamins or minerals if he eats a balanced diet. Ask your caregiver before giving your child any vitamin or mineral supplements.


  • Changing or Development Food Habits of Children
Age Habit – Change or Develop Recommendation
1 year Child should start to feed by himself. o    Change the food texture, feel, shape, and taste of the food will keep him from getting bored and refusing to eat.
2 – 3 Years Strong food likes and dislikes. Not a problem until stops gaining weight or growing. o    Give a variety of foods. Try to make eat several things from different food groups.
4-6 years Playing with toys or other children may distract them from meals. If child usually not eat certain foods, not a problem. o    Simply try each food or group of foods again in a few days or few weeks.
7- 11 years Child will usually eat according to his appetite. When hungry he will eat enough to maintain his weight and energy level. o    Appreciate his good eating habits but do not ignore bad eating behavior at meals.


  • Food Group Choices
Food Groups Items Amount / Qty
High vitamin C Citrus Fruits and Juices, Tomatoes, Potatoes and Green Peppers At least One serving per day.
High Vitamin A o    Spinach, winter squash, carrots, or sweet potatoes. At least One serving per day.
High in Fats o    Milk and Dairy Products Full Meal till age 2 years
  • Give your child 2% milk and low fat dairy foods after age 2 to limit saturated fat intake. Also, choose lean meats, fish, and poultry foods for your child. Avoid fried foods and high fat desserts except on special occasions.


  • Breads / Starches: Most children need 5 or more servings per day. One serving is about the amount listed below for each age group.
Age Group   Meals Amount / Qty
1-3 years Pasta, Potatoes or Rice ¼ cup
Slice Bread ½ to 1
o    Dry Cereal ½ ounce
o    Bagel or muffin ¾ cup
4-6 years Pasta, Potatoes or Rice ½ cup
Slice Bread 1
o    Dry Cereal ¾ ounce
o    Bagel or muffin ½  cup
7-11 years Pasta, Potatoes or Rice 1 cup
Slice Bread 2
o    Dry Cereal 1 ounce
o    Bagel or muffin ¾   cup


  • Fruits: Most children need 2 to 3 servings per day. One serving is about the amount listed below for each age group.
Age Group   Meals Amount / Qty
1-3 years Pureed Fruit ¼ cup
Juice ¼ cup
4-6 years o    Canned Fruit ¼ to ½ cup
o    Fresh Fruits ½ piece
o    Juice ½ cup
7-11 years o    Canned Fruit 1  cup
o    Fresh Fruits 1 piece
o    Juice ½ cup


  • Meat / Meat Substitutes: Most children need 3 or more servings per day. One serving is about the amount listed below for each age group.
Age Group   Meals Amount / Qty
1-3 years Egg 1
Butter – After age 2 1 table spoon
Meat – Fish / Poultry 1 ounce
§  Cooked dried beans or legumes ½ cup
o    Cheese ¾ ounce
4-6 years Egg 1
Butter  2 table spoon
Meat – Fish / Poultry 3 – 3 ounce
§  Cooked dried beans or legumes 1/2 cup
o    Cheese 1/2 ounce
7-11 years Egg 1
  Butter – After age 2 1 – 2 table spoon
  Meat – Fish / Poultry 1 – 2 ounce
§  Cooked dried beans or legumes 1/3 cup
o    Cheese 1/3 ounce

Dairy, Vegetables, Fats and Sweet Dishes

Age Group   Meals Amount / Qty
1-3 years Milk or Yoghurt (3 to 4 Serving / day) ½ to ¾ cup
Vegetables (2-3 cooked serving /day) ¼ cup
Fats – oils, margarines, butter, and salad dressings  (1- 3 serving / day) ½ to 1 tbs
4-6 years Milk or Yoghurt (3 to 4 Serving / day) ¾  cup
Vegetables (2-3 cooked serving /day) ¼  to 1/3 cup
Fats – oils, margarines, butter, and salad dressings  (1- 3 serving / day) 1 tbs
7-11 years Milk or Yoghurt (3 to 4 Serving / day) 1 cup
Vegetables (2-3 cooked serving /day) ½ cup
Fats – oils, margarines, butter, and salad dressings  (1- 3 serving / day) 1 tbs

Sweets and Desserts:  The number of servings shown below is the most your child should have per week. One serving is a medium portion, such as 1/8 of a pie, 1/2 cup ice cream, a 3-inch cookie, or 1/2 cup pudding.

  • 1 to 3 years: 1 to 2 servings per week at the most
  • 4 to 6 years: 3 to 4 servings per week at the most
  • 7 to 11 years: 4 to 5 servings per week at the most
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