Archives: Health

Dr. Qamar-ul-Hassan

Dr. Muhammad Qamar-ul-Hassan

Dr. Muhammad Qamar-ul-Hassan, founder and director of Qamar Consulting Pvt. Ltd, is a pioneer and the leading expert on “Personality TYPE” and “TYPE Based” Performance Improvement Solutions in Pakistan. He is a medical doctor with special interest in psychiatry, psychology, human development and research. He is certified in MBTI (2005), MMTIC, LTP and Savile Ability & Discovering human potential and optimizing performance, individually and in organizations, summarizes what he does and is passionate for.
He has over 24 years of professional experience including dedicated 14 years of MBTI based management. He has worked with many organizations, universities and schools in the areas of leadership and management development, career management, employee retention, team building, parenting and teaching effectiveness to promote better understanding for improved performance. He has successfully implemented type (MBTI) based performance improvement solutions in many organizations and institutions in Pakistan.

Services Offered

Dr. Qamar has the privilege of launching for the “first time in Pakistan” the innovative services like Know Yourself, Teaching by TYPE, Know Your Partner, TYPE Based Career Management Programs, Career MED, Know your kids and Parenting by TYPE.

Mrs. Saima Qamar

Saima Qamar is a Clinical psychologist and trainer with a Master in Psychology (university of Karachi 3rd position on merit) and ADCP (advanced diploma in Clinical psychology Punjab university 3rd position on merit), with certification in positive psychology.
Saima is a trainer and Practices online via Marham with a specialization in depression and anxiety especially among students. Miss Saima Qamar

Consulting Topics:

  • Foundations of Positive Psychology
  • Positive Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your life for well Being
  • Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Method
  • Positive Psychology : Resilience Skills
  • Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions
  • Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science


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