Qazi Grammer Girls School

Qazi Grammer Girls School school in lahore

Qazi Grammer Girls School

  • Qanchi
  • Amer Sidhu
  • Kohinoor Housing Scheme, Ferozepur Road, Lahore - Pakistan
    Location: Lahore,
    (042) 35919480- (042) 35919482
    FEES PKR. 3000 to 15000


    Alumini: QGGS has produced a generation of ambitious and glirified young women who have sought for success & accomplished thir goals. We try to keep in touch with our alumini & ensure that every Qazian's legacy lives on. We take pride in our alums and wish to keep them tied in this familial bond. Curriculum: The designing of school curriculum requires a conceptual foresight and imagination. Exhuastive evaluation and improvements are made year after year to keep the curriculum dynamic. All efforts are made to devise the most effective method for the implementation of the requirements of the curriculum. While selecting textbooks we generally keep in  mind the student learning outcomes given in the National Curriculum. The school is affliated with the respective Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education. Curricula in QGGS are split along the following lines: 1. Early Years (Montessori-Prep) 2. Primary       (Grade 1-5) 3. Secondary   (Grade 6-10) Life at Campus: Student life at QGGS is both exciting & challenging, that grooms them for academic aexcellence as well as making them a loyal & responsible citizen. A large number of cultural, educational and social activities are available to QGGS students. Getting invloved in campus life is the quickest way to create one's own Qazian experience. Campus life activities are built around the concepts of encouraging each student to express their own talents and to respect all members of our campus. Jump in and find out how dynamic & interconnected life at QGGS. Training: Professional development is a key factor when it comes to enhance the quality of teaching & learning. Professional development of teaches is essential to achieve and maintain standards of quality education. We, at QGGS, recognize the significance of teacher development & feel it is an ongoing process.



      • Online Computer Education Sports Facilities Well Equipped Computer & Practical Lab / Liberary



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